Thursday, November 18, 2010


Being a model in the fashion industry myself, this article really stuck a chord with me.

Im also studying media advertising and journalism in school and this really opened my eyes to a whole new perspective.

I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

The Will Be Celina


PT Editor Kaja Perina writes “… the media do not, by and large, create our obsession with beauty; our judgements come factory-installed. A world without Gossip Girl and glossy magazines would still produce teenagers who size up one another and abhor their own appearance.”

In other words, people need to stop blaming the fashion industry for how they see themselves. Humans are programmed from birth to want to look a certain way, and societal projections play only a small part in how we perceive ourselves physically.

This is where I come back to Lauren Chan. This morning, when I logged on to Twitter, this popped up in my mentions:

uhoh get ready 4 every1 from @modelresource to @nytimesstyle to comment on how skinny crystal renn got! look:


Psychology Today

Psychology Today, December 2010

Heterosexual males are programmed to appreciate a somewhat curvy, athletic body. Genetically we’re hardwired to like a female frame that looks healthy; a toned, hourglass figure, symmetrical features, big eyes, full lips, etc.

Females instinctively know this is how men are programmed, and that – much more than product-pushing magazines – is why we have lip stain, push-ups bras and Spanx.

If Crystal Renn prefers being thinner, it’s not for anyone but possibly her physician to counsel otherwise. This new look she’s sporting isn’t the result of some crash diet. I met her when she did Joe Fresh‘s show in March, and even then backstage buzzed about how she would not be plus-size by Toronto standards. Full figured? Maybe… but far from size 14.

Personally, I like the way Renn looks in the new Harper’s Bazaar. It might not be popular to suggest, but it would be dishonest for me to say otherwise. And lest anyone accuse me of preferring to keep models really thin, remember: I’m a straight dude, very happily married to a woman with curves, and anyone who knows me can tell you how deliriously drawn I am to Emily.

The pages of PT are filled with reasons to put effort into your appearance. Being human is not shallow, and all the brain washing messages about the irrelevance of being attractive goes against the most basic, ingrained, programmed-from-birth human nature. Dove‘sCampaign for Real Beauty” may have told women to love themselves for who they are, but it also sold thigh firming cream to reduce the appearanceof cellulite. In countries where darker skin is seen less favourably, Dove offered up skin whitening cream. For all their seemingly altruistic feel-goodiness, the folks at Dove know insecurity sells and with the right prompting consumers will eagerly buy self-esteem-in-a-cream.

Crystal Renn literally became a poster-girl for being beautiful as a larger woman, just as Sophie Dahldid years before (before she too, famously dropped a bunch of inches). What I’m curious about now, is whether mainstream fashion magazines will pick up a straight-sized Renn’s story when she is undoubtedly going to get labelled a sell-out by many.

Is this good for her career? I don’t know. I just hope she’s happy when she looks in the mirror because for all the fame she’s achieved in the past, for all the different dress sizes she’s donned, for all the articles that have analyzed her role in how fashion feels about larger women, she should never be martyred for how other women feel about themselves.

Dan Grant, Publisher

Full Article Here:

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bigger IS better

This is one of those sweaters that I ended up getting a million compliments on.

Funny thing is, I bought it on sale, in the PLUS SIZE section of a random store.
Yup, bigger is usually always better.

I can cinch it and wear it with a belt.
I can wear it slouchy and off the shoulder.
I can wear it as a sweater dress with leggings and over-the-knee boots.
Possibilities and endless and never sacrifice comfort OR style.

Oh and people couldn't stop touching it.

Throw a leather jacket over it and you're covered for Fall.

What piece in your wardrobe got you unexpected compliments?

The Will Be Celina

Friday, October 29, 2010

Boot camp Fashion

Im no fashion guru, but sometimes outfit pairings just make sense.
Like pairing a tough military jacket (a key piece for fall), with a soft pink dress. Balance.

You want the dress to hit just above the knee or just below if for this sort of look. Since the dress is light, I've belted the jacket to define the waist.
The brown belt also ties in with the brown boots.

The papers on the table, in the background, prove I study and don't just take pictures of my outfits all day. Balance.

How do you balance your outfits?
Should I call these posts "sidewalk runway" or "myspace-like pics taken in my living room?" (Totally kidding)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tall Tips

A lot of people look up to me.
Im 6 foot one (or 5 foot 11 1/2 shhh) so I naturally stand out.
I get a lot of this:

"Wow, how tall are you? You must be like 5 foot 8!" (?really?)
"Are you a model?"
"How tall are your parents?" ***Im taller than both my parents by the way***

But I think the most common remark is this:
"I wish I was your height!"

After hearing this at work several times tonight (and a million times over the course of my life...where I have been THAT tall chick in the middle, of the back row, of your class picture since pre-School) I have decided to once and for all write a post on the pros and cons of being abnormally tall for a woman.

Lets starts with the good stuff (Pros):

--You stand out/grab peoples attention/attract looks (TALL TIP: Ignore the stares by ignoring your peripheral vision if it bothers you...other wise soak it all up with a smile).
--You can potentially model (who doesn't want to be a Victoria Secret model)
--You are "different" in not the average human height for your gender (Ive been told that for some reason it's cool to be different and "other-worldly" looking. Huh.)
--Sometimes you feel special, one-of-a-kind...Im sure there's one thing about yourself that sets you apart from the rest that you love too:).
--You can play Basketball! Volleyball! Tennis! (However I will never play field hockey again...tiny stick=bent back).
--You can marry Chris Bosh! (He's 6 foot 10!...Im kidding though...No but really he's such a nice guy).
--Some guys love the tall lanky kind! (And usually their the shorter guys. Huh.)
--Apparently we wear clothes well. (See: VS model).
--You can pull of ballet flats. So can any other girl but I feel like flats were just MADE for tall girls to help us feel shorter and cuter and still fashionable?
--Ok I'm running out of good stuff...

And let's end with the bad (sounds like such a horrible word...more like lets end with the not-so-good stuff (Cons)

--You get asked how tall you are. (And if you play basket ball...see above Pros). A lot. (Good ice breaker? Flattery? I dunno, depends how you take it I guess. Doesn't bother me too much anymore...kinda funny how curious people are though).
--If you are kinda shy (can be) there is no way to hide. You can't shrink 4 inches. (So be glad you can wear shoes that make you grow instantly!)
--You can't wear heels. I mean I sometimes wear heels to the club if I want to scare away people (haha kinda kidding, kinda not) but if you want to wear cute heels that match your outfit while you go shopping (for example), you WILL grab peoples attention. If that's what you're going for...accomplished. Just don't expect to shop discreetly if you know what I mean.
--Guys run. Guys are intimidated. Guys question their masculinity/ego. (True life).
--There are not many tall guys on this planet. Average male height: 5 foot 10. (Im marrying a basket ball player... I can feel it).
--Pants/shirts/skirts are never long enough. (I don't care if there is a "long leg" store. Tried it once and still had to pay extra for a million alterations. No point either way).
Ex. My friend and I have the same dress. It is a mini on me and a long dress on her. My friend and I have a cute top. I wear it as a shirt, my friend wears it as a shirt dress. My friend and I have the same pair of jeans. Mine look like 1990's flood/cropped pants and her look sexy, date-night jeans. ETC Huh.
--Ok I feel super negative right now listing all of the cons



There are pros and cons to everything (duh).
But you can't change the body you were born with.
You have to work with it, embrace it, flaunt it and love it.
If you have to adjust your dating be it.
If you have to fake it.
Fake it till you make it.
Stand tall, smile, ooze confidence.
Confidence intimidates those who lack it.
True story. (That one day I'll spill).

Im starting to sound like a university motivational poster sale.

I have a love/hate relationship with my height.
But I can't imagine myself being any other way:)

Im going to use my height to my day you'll see... Im going to be...
The Will Be Celina